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Page Alias:choi/keno/cach-choi
MenuItemAlias: /en/choi/keno/cach-choi


Conditions for participation

Player must meet the following requirements to be qualified for participation

a) Must be a vietnamese citizen, a Vietnamese who resides abroad or a legally-immigrated foreigner in Vietnam;

b) Must be 18 years old or above;

c) Person who are not restricted in their capacity for civil acts or lose their civil act capacity as prescribed by law;

d) Other requirements as published by Vietlott (if any).

As for unqualified players, Vietlott reserve the right to refuse to make rewards when requested




Seach for POS

Search for POS at: Here


Trial play

Experience the Keno: trial play down below


Draw result and compare draw result

- Keno is issued from 06:00 AM and ends at least 21:55 PM every day from Monday to Sunday with a frequency of 10 minutes / draw, selling tickets continuously throughout the duration of each draw.

- Watch live prize draw numbers and check results at points of sale with TV screens (find points of sale at  [Link])

- See the results of the prize draw at [Link].

- You can check the results by scanning the tickets through the checkwin machine at the point of sale.


Take the ticket

Take the ticket and pay for your entry


How to use betting slip

  • Take one betting slip for Keno and a pencil provided at POS. The betting slip is as attached: 

  • For the base ways of playing:

+ Color [BẠN MUỐN CHƠI BAO NHIÊU KỲ] to pick number of draw you want to play. You can select maximum of 30 draws in advance.

+ Color [BẠN MUỐN CHƠI BAO NHIÊU CON SỐ] of panel    A    ,     B    to pick spot you would like to bet (from spot 1 to spot 10).

+ Color numbers you want to pick in panel A  B   . Each panel corresponds to 1 entry.

+ Or color [MÁY TỰ CHỌN] of panel   A   B   . for random quick pick. Each panel corresponds to 1 entry.

+ Color [GIÁ TRỊ] for pick your betting value in panel     A   B . The minimum betting value is VND 10.000 and if you do not color, the default betting value is 10.000 VND.

+ Color HỦY to cancel.

  • For additional ways of playing:

+ Color one of four ways to play at [PHẦN CHƠI BỔ SUNG]. Note that if you pick additional ways of playing, do not color “BẬC SỐ” and numeral panel. The minimum betting value is VND 10.000 and if you do not color, the default betting value is 10.000 VND.

+ Color HỦY to cancel.